Optimize your automations with our session management tools
Stop using a blank browser for every script, to avoid repeat actions and CSS downloads.
Keep browsers alive for reuse
Instead of launching a fresh browser with each script, use the /reconnect API to keep a browser alive for later use.
Reuse cookies between sessions
Save cookies to skip annoying steps such as repeat logins or bot scanning, ideal for revisiting a site hours or days apart.
Reduce proxy use by >90%
Using a cache can reduce bandwidth usage by over 90%, ideal for activities with a high proxy consumption, such as repeatedly scraping a site.
Pair with other features
Two options for getting past compulsory captchas
Hybrid Automations
Stream a page such as a login to your user one time, so they can interact with it and then store the cookie, cache or localstorage for another automation.
Captcha Solving
After automatically solving a captcha you can store the cookie or keep the browser alive to skip repeat checks.