Use our APIs to rapidly deploy new features
For automations such as generating PDFs, capturing videos or retrieving HTML.
No Playwright or Puppeteer Required
/pdf for tidy exports
The /pdf API can render dynamically generated content, ideal for dashboard and report exports. Use over 20 options such as printBackground
to customize the output.
/screenshot for creating a png or jpg
The /screenshot API navigates to a page then captures a jpeg or png, with options to set the HTML of the page to render dynamically generated content.
/performance for Lighthouse tests
Run parallel tests powered by the Google Lighthouse project and its CLI option with our concurrent JavaScript-enabled browsers. Use the config to specify the metrics you want to collect and run large batches with our concurrencies.
/screencast for generating videos
Create webm video files of your automations. The recordings have full frame rate and audio, without the limitations of Puppeteer or Playwright’s inbuilt recorders.
/download for retrieving files
Browserless sets up a blank page, a fresh download directory, injects your code and then executes it, to then return any download files with the appropriate content-type header.
Plus APIs for site unblocking and easy scripting
/unblock API
Use the /unblock API to hide subtle signs that a browser is being programmatically instantiated, to avoid being blocked by bot detectors.
/function API
Run Puppeteer Scripts using any language that supports making HTTP requests using the /function API, without needing to install the library.