Hybrid Automations

Run user-in-the-loop scripts with our Hybrid Automations

Stream pages to a tab or an iframe for user input as part of a Puppeteer script

Stream logins, 2FAs or anything else

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A puppeteer script featuring the /hybrid API, triggering a login window to stream to an iframe

Stream login windows

Run automations that require logging into a user’s account without having to store sensitive data such as their username and password. With Hybrid Automations you can stream the window for them to interact with directly and complete logins, 2FAs, captchas and more.

Embed the window into your app

Host the iframe within your own website or application, without any need to bounce users between tabs or windows.

Secure, managed browsers

Browserless takes care of details such as preventing memory leaks, to avoid security risks around hosting multiple sessions.

Available for Paid Plans

Take advantage of our most powerful features, only suitable for premium tiers.

A graph for monitoring success, errors, timeouts and queue

Tailored deployments

Get a custom deployment for your use case, pick the server locations, get a custom load balancers and get access to special machines (Support for GPUs, non-Linux OS, and multi-cloud providers). These dedicated deployments are required to safely host Hybrid Automations.

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Cookies and Reconnects

Run multiple scripts in the same browser session with our reconnect API, or save the cookies to avoid asking users to log in repeatedly. Just use the reconnect API.

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